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Solid Hardwood Worktops





Wood is a natural product and can be affected by heat and humidity. It can gain and lose moisture before during and after installation. For example wood expands when it is warm and the humidity level is high and contracts during colder periods when the humidity level drops. Due to this, if inappropriate care is given to the worktop it is possible for bowing to occur. Suitable care of your worktop will enable you to keep it in a pristine condition


Storage and Preparation

Installation should be carried out as soon as possible after delivery. However, if storage is necessary even for a short time, the worktops MUST be laid flat and full supported along their length in their original packaging. Ensure the storage area is indoors and in a dry area.

Avoid storing in a room with with extreme temperatures. All wet trades should be complete and a sufficient period of time allowed for natural drying. If the room is freshly plastered allow 6 weeks for the plaster to dry.


Prior to installation it important that back, face and al cut edges are oiled at least twice with Danish Oil. Wipe away any surplus oil after 30 minutes using a lint free cloth. Allow to dry for between 6-8 hours. The aim is for the oil to penentrate the wood and not sit on the surface.



When positioning the worktop allow a 3-4mm gap between the back edge of the worktop and the wall. This will allow the worktop to expand and contract within the humidity of the kitchen.

A cut out, to accommodate a hob for example, should be no closer to the edge of the worktop than 100 mm to avoid losing the overall integrity of the worktop.

The joining of two worktops together should be achieved by the use of a biscuit joint together with standard worktop bolts.

A worktop should not be fitted closer than 40mm to a heat source. Should the end grain of the Worktop be closest to the heat source, a partition such as a solid piece of wood should be inserted between, to avoid risk of end splitting of the worktop.

Installation above Kitchen appliances should be no closer than 25mm and should contain heat resistant reflective foil on the underside of the worktop.



The face of the worktop requires 4-5 coats of oil to be applied to build up the barrier against water ingress - allow 6-8 hours between coats.

The worktop will be delivered with a Sanding grit of 150. You can take this up to 240 grit and even beyond for an even more finer finish. After fitting and between application of oil to the face, give the worktop a further light sanding with fine sandpaper, remove all dust and then apply  another coat of oil to the surface. Spread the oil over the whole surface and allow the oil to soak in for up to 30 minutes always keeping the surface covered with oil. After 30 minutes wipe off all excess to leave an even touch dry finish. Allow to dry before repeating.


Remember that wood is a living material and a proper course of oil treatment is essential to ensure a long and trouble free life.

In the first few days of use, some care must be taken to prevent the worktops becoming stained before they have built up sufficient hardness to give full protection with the oil. Water should not be allowed to lie on the surface, but be wiped off immediately with a cloth.

After a period of time it may be necessary to restore the sheen of the tops with a coat of oil.

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